Elvis Presley traffic lights appear in German town of Friedberg - DW (English)
Saturday, December 8, 2018Elvis is shown swinging his hips in a famous dance move. Elvis swinging his hips in one of the traffic lights in Friedberg Local politician Marion Götz (SPD) told the Wetterauer Zeitung newspaper that the town had paid about €900 ($1,000) for the lights as an extra attraction for tourists. Why is he there? Presley had a strong connection with Friedberg, a town of around 28,000 inhabitants, located 26 kilometers (16 miles) north of Frankfurt in the state of Hesse. Read more: Without Africans in North America, we would never have had Elvis Presley He was stationed there from October 1958 until March 1960 while serving as a soldier in the US Army. He lived in nearby Bad Nauheim. Elvis Presley in his US Army uniform while stationed in Friedberg It was there he met his future wife, Priscilla Beaulieu, whom he married after a seven-year relationship. Both towns are keen to make sure no one forgets "the King," who died in 1977, or their connections to him. While Friedberg first switched on the new traffic lights on Wednesday, Bad Nauheim holds the 'European Elvis Festival' and is planning a bronze statue of him. Flowers and pictures of Elvis left at his memorial in Bad Nauheim Bad Nauheim has long been a site of pilgrimage for Elvis' fans, and people lay candles, flowers and gifts for him. A little more action According to Götz, it took three months for the police to give the go-ahead and then a local graphic designer to send his ideas to the manufacturer. However, the work appears to have paid off, ...https://www.dw.com/en/elvis-presley-traffic-lights-appear-in-german-town-of-friedberg/a-46610723
A brief history of German neo-Nazi group NSU
Thursday, August 2, 2018Dortmund, is killed. Two days later Halit Yozgat is shot dead in his internet cafe in the central city of Kassel.
April 2007 Police officer Michele Kiesewetter is killed in Heilbronn. Her colleague is seriously injured. Their firearms are stolen.
November 2011 After robbing a bank in the central city of Eisenach, Mundlos and Boehnhardt are found dead in a camper van in an apparent murder-suicide. Zschaepe sets fire to their hideout in the nearby town of Zwickau and mails videos featuring a Pink Panther cartoon character to the media in which the NSU claims responsibility for the killings.
July 2012 The head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency, Heinz Fromm, resigns following a public outcry over his agency's shredding of documents related to the NSU case.
May 2013 The trial of Beate Zschaepe and four men accused of providing support to the NSU begins in Munich.
December 2015 Zschaepe's lawyers read a statement on her behalf, in which she acknowledges knowing of the bank robberies and to setting fire to the hideout in Zwickau. She says she only ever learned of the killings and bombings after they had happened.
July 2018 The trial, involving 73 lawyers and hundreds of witnesses, concludes after almost 440 days of hearings. Zschaepe is sentenced to life in prison. The group's four supporters receive lesser prison sentences of between 2½ and 10 years.
HAIR – ein Klassiker für Sommerlaune
Saturday, July 14, 2018Jetzt angepasst und überraschenderweise auch den amerikanischen Präsidenten auf die Bühne geholt. Ausgestattet mit unverwechselbarer Fönfrisur und Gattin Melania im Schlepptau, wettert er gegen alles und jeden, außer gegen die fröhlichen, angepassten Twens im adrett-braven Outfit. So treffen dann Damals und Heute aufeinander. Eine Gruppe von Hippies, die sich den Kampf gegen das Establishment auf die Fahnen geschrieben hat und der Realität gerne mal mit einem „Tütchen entflieht, vs. Präsident.Aquarius…Fast möchte man sagen, ins Geschehen hinein, schwebt Ronny (Lisa Huk) – singt vom Wassermann, auch 2018 wird der Mond im 7. Hause stehen, Jupiter auf den Mars zugehen und Frieden herrschen unter den Planeten.Unter den Planeten? Es würde schon AUF dem Planeten reichen, nämlich dem unseren!Harmonie, Recht und Klarheit, Sympathie, Licht und Wahrheit: Niemand will die Freiheit knebeln, niemand mehr den Geist umnebeln. Mystik wird uns Einsicht schenken und der Mensch lernt wieder Denken – dank dem Wassermann.Netter Versuch, klappt nur bis heute nicht. 😉©H.leitkeGut ausgesuchte Darsteller mit viel Spielfreude und ÜberzeugungDie gleichgesinnten Kommunenmitglieder stimmen uns mit diesem allseits bekannten Ohrwurm ein, lassen uns mitsummen und zaubern dem Publikum ein Lächeln in die Gesichter. Die Zeit ist reif, lasst uns den Sinn des Lebens neu zu definieren! „The Leader Of The Tribe, George Berger (Martin Markert) wird Euch schon sagen wie!Mitten in ihrer Bewusstseinserweiterungs-Erprobung trifft auf diese bunte Truppe der Provinzler Claude Bukowsky (David Wehle). Hin- und her gerissen zwischen Neugierde, Faszination und Pflichtgefühl sowie Gehorsam, lässt er sich zunächst auf das Neue ein. Umgarnt von Sheila (Elena Otten), Jeanie (Luisa Maloni) und Chrissy (Melissa Holley), angeleitet die wahren Werte zu erkennen von dem großartigen Hud (Felix Frenken), einem hervorragenden Berger (Martin Markert) und dem authentischen Woof (Sebastian Smulders) integriert sich Claude ausgezeichnet in die Gruppe. Nicht nur drogenumnebelte Fantasien geben dem Stück einen ausreichend gesunden Raum zur Selbstironie. Auch Einzelaktionen der Ensemblemitglieder tragen dazu bei, wie z.B. Matias Lavalls poetischem Ausbruch. Mit einem vermeintlichem Hauch alter Bodenständigkeit und gutem Rat an Claude, kann die wunderbare Dionne (Valerija Laubach) punkten. Eine Stimme, die zusätzlich aufhorchen lässt. Wie das für Claude ausgeht, möchten wir hier nicht verraten.©Cecilia StedeEin Musical für den Sommer wie geschaffenDas Stück bietet alles, was ein Sommermusical benötigt: bekannte Lieder, Songs wie z.B. „Let The Sunshine In, „Good Morning Starshine ,oder „Hair, einen kontroversen Bezug zu gesellschaftlichen und politischen Tagesordnungspunkten der heutigen Zeit, das ausgewogene Maß an Selbstironie; all das kann einen schon packen und für beste Laune sorgen. Es überrascht mit Glitzer und Glamour und für all jene, die etwas verpasst haben im Leben, gibt es Anschauungsunterricht in freier Liebe auf offener Bühne, zum Schluss dann noch nackte Haut zur Protestmanifestierung!Die Band mit acht Musikern hat die Hippiefantasien genial umgesetzt. Der Stil von Grate...https://www.musical1.de/news/hair-ein-klassiker-fuer-sommerlaune/
Der Komponist, der das Gras wachsen hört
Thursday, June 21, 2018Lehrer, „hochgebildet, seine Wohnung war voller Bücher, aufstand,
als wäre er Jesus, der den Tempel von all dem Unrat säubern muss und gegen die „Negermusik
„Die Nächstenliebe ist mir wichtig. Und dass sie nicht nur ein abstraktes Bekenntnis
ist, sondern dass man sie auch lebt. Tag für Tag.
Sepp Frank, Musiker und praktizierender Katholik
Das war ein Schock. Aber nur für einen Tag. Sie haben dann doch weitergemacht. Auch
mit einer neuen Gruppe, „Die Skalden. Mit ihr war Sepp Frank 1972 Finalist des ORF-Musikwettbewerbs
„Talente 70. In Salzburg machte er schließlich die Matura. Und dann stürzte er kopfüber
ins wirkliche Leben. Er studierte Englisch, Deutsch und Russisch. Aber das wirkliche
Leben hörte auf den Namen Denise. Sepp Frank, noch heute mit schauernder Bewunderung:
„Sie war sehr klein, nur ein Meter fünfzig, aber atombombenmäßig unterwegs. Man kann
sich die Erschütterung des jungen Mannes vorstellen, der noch nach fast einem halben
Jahrhundert so von ihr redet.
Denise war nicht nur klein und „atombombenmäßig, sondern auch sehr, sehr schön. Mit
den bekannten Folgen, von denen schon Marlene Dietrich zu berichten wusste: „Männer
umschwirren mich wie Motten das Licht .... Und, verbrannte Sepp Frank? Zunächst musste
er sehr „rackern, um sich gegen all die Rivalen und Mitbewerber durchzusetzen. Am
Ende aber, da war er gerade im dritten Semester, bekam er seine Denise, heiratete
sie und wurde von ihr prompt nach Amerika entführt.
Seine zauberhafte Denise hatte eine Stimme wie Joan Baez
Das führte zunächst zu einem kleinen Kulturschock. Sepp Frank, der Künstler in spe,
landete in einer Fabrik des Autoherstellers Ford. In Detroit? „Nein, in Ypsilanti.
Sie haben sich nicht verlesen. Der Ort, in der Weite von Michigan gelegen, heißt tatsächlich
so wie die SPD-Politikerin, die einst partout hessische Ministerpräsidentin werden
wollte. Dort stand er am Band und hat Stoßdämpfer geschweißt, acht Stunden am Tag,
für fünf Dollar die Stunde. Gerettet hat ihn die Öl- und die sich daran anschließende
Wirtschaftskrise nach dem Herbst 1973. Ford musste die Produktion einschränken. Es
herrschte das „Senioritätsprinzip, Sepp Frank, gerade erst eingestellt, wurde mit
als Erster entlassen.
„Sie war sehr klein, nur ein Meter fünfzig, aber atombombenmäßig unterwegs.
Sepp Frank über seine Denise
Aber schon Hölderlin wusste: Wo die Gefahr wächst, wächst das Rettende auch. Oder
so ähnlich. Sepp Frank in seiner Not besann sich auf seine Grundkompetenzen. Er spielte
Akkordeon und Gitarre und die atombombenmäßige Denise verfügte über ein Goldkehlchen.
„Sie hatte eine Stimme wie Joan Baez. Sie tingelten durch die zahllosen deutschen
Gastwirtschaften in Michigan und blieben in Fritz Kochendörfers „Old Heidelberg hängen.
Statt dem Great American Songbook war hier das Repertoire vom Kien Paule gefragt,
das sich Sepp Frank von seiner Mutter aus Deutschland schicken ließ. Zu vorgerückter
Stunde trat auch sc...https://www.mittelbayerische.de/panorama-nachrichten/der-komponist-der-das-gras-wachsen-hoert-21934-art1654356.html
German zoo fire kills more than 30 animals - TRT World
Sunday, January 26, 2020Wednesday.One of the tributes asked simply "Why?".Firefighters prevented the flames from spreading to other buildings at the zoo in North Rhine-Westphalia.Focus on fireworksPreliminary findings suggest the fire might have been caused by flying paper lanterns, which float into the air when lit.Three lanterns bearing hand-written New Year's wishes were discovered in the smouldering debris.These types of devices have been banned in the region since 2009.Police, who have launched an investigation for "arson through negligence", were contacted late Wednesday by a number of people who may have used these lanterns. Krefeld police said investigators were verifying their statements.The German animal protection association quickly called for all kinds of fireworks to be banned near zoos, farms and kennels.The deadly blaze was "terrible proof of the dramatic consequences for animals" from "uncontrolled" celebrations, the group said.Germans often use powerful fireworks to celebrate the New Year and in Berlin, rescue services on Wednesday recorded 22 injuries, some of which required amputations, from the holiday.That was roughly comparable to levels seen in previous years.The effect of fireworks on air quality has also begun to spark debate and the federal environment agency UBA estimated that the amount of fine particles released in one night was comparable to two months of highway traffic.
OMG this breaks my heart??????RIP ?????poor little souls????????Sad start of the year: In a major fire on New Years Eve in Krefeld, the ape house of the local zoo burned down completely. More than 30 monkeys died. Only the chimpanzees Bally & Limbo survived slightly injured. pic.twitter.com/Wr7FDA7Ikr— ? ?? ?? (@FranceschiJcf) January 1, 2020
Several major German supermarket and hardware chains have decided to stop selling fireworks.Demand remains strong for now, however, with the people spending around 113 million euros ($127 million) for New Year fireworks, the same amount as last year, according to sector federation VPI.Around 57 percent of the county's inhabitants would support a ban on firework sales but 84 percent of those questioned also said they looked forward to displays next year.Krefeld zoo planned to remain closed Wednesday with employees "in shock" owing to the "terrible tragedy", management said.The zoo has around 1,000 animals and attracts some 400,000 visitors a year.
Source: AFP
Long asparagus season in NRW ends this weekend - FreshPlaza.com
Tuesday, August 20, 2019On Johannistag, June 24, it is New Year's Eve for asparagus. On this day, asparagus farmers traditionally end their harvest, says the Chamber of Agriculture of North Rhine-Westphalia. Last year, the noble vegetables were cultivated on about 4,000 hectares in NRW.
The shoots, still growing, are no longer being harvested. In the next three months, the asparagus grows up to 2 m high to form energy reserves with the help of sunlight, reserves which are stored in the roots. This secures the harvest for the next asparagus season.
The asparagus season has been running at full speed at many farms since the end of March. For the asparagus this year, there was a mix of warm, but also very cold days. The growers were able to adjust the harvest to the changing temperatures by putting covers on the fields. Since the consumer in Germany prefers white asparagus with white heads, covering the asparagus beds is indispensable.
One way to enjoy asparagus even after the asparagus season is to freeze the peeled asparagus. The last harvest days should be used by consumers to stock up. The peeled and portioned asparagus can be frozen and enjoyed at a later date. For consumption, the frozen asparagus can be put in boiling water. So that not all valuable ingredients end up in the water, ...https://www.freshplaza.com/article/9119488/long-asparagus-season-in-nrw-ends-this-weekend/
Man accused of pushing boy in front of Frankfurt train had ‘psychological problems’ - The Irish Times
Tuesday, August 20, 2019Public safetyLast week a 34-year-old mother was killed in North Rhine-Westphalia when a German-born man with Serbian roots pushed her into the path of an oncoming train. The second such death in a week has sparked soul-searching in Germany about public safety, particularly in train stations.
The Frankfurt suspect was born in 1979, is married and has three children. He was granted refugee status in 2008 and had full-time employment.
“In a brochure from the firm where he works he was presented as a super integration case study,” said Horst Seehofer, Germany’s federal interior minister, who interrupted his holiday for a press conference on Tuesday.
German interior minister Horst Seehofer at a news conference about the Frankfurt killing in Berlin on Tuesday. Photograph: Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters
Federal police said the man was not flagged in any databases and, as a recognised refugee, was in Germany legally. He was not checked at the border because Switzerland, though outside the EU, is an associate member of the Schengen free-travel area. The man had been sought by the Swiss police since an incident last week in which he threatened a neighbour with a knife, tried to strangle her and locked her in her apartment.
‘Cold-blooded murder’Close to tears in Berlin on Tuesday afternoon, Mr Seehofer said that, like millions of other Germans, he was “deeply shocked by the cold-blooded murder”. He announced a special body to examine boosting train station security.
“Although general criminality figures are dropping, the feeling of security among the population is very tense and cases like yesterday contribute to that,” he said, urging reporters at a press conference to “separate cleanly” crime and migration.
Instead he said Germany was facing a rise in public order offences generally – regardless of perpetrator origin – and promised extra police resources to tackle this.
Experts said it was difficult to predict what the motive in such attacks could be.
“It could be an extremely heightened disposition for violence or psychological problems, but I would be careful talking of a typical perpetrator profile,” said Prof Rudolf Egg, a criminal psychologist, to German television.
Couple break with pace 214, on Federal road in order to catch a holiday flight - The Crypto Coin Discovery
Sunday, March 3, 2019Flensburg in the last two weeks solid. You have knowledge of more than 100 Calls of this kind.
Übach-Palenberg: police to sexual offence witnesses.
In North Rhine-Westphalia, Übach-Palenberg the police after an unknown youth was on Tuesday afternoon, compared to a nine-year-old girl sexually grip. Accordingly, the child was playing on a Playground, when a young man approached and led to a mound of dirt. There, the young people should have stripped the girl.
The officials, according to two strollers, the speeches, the suspects approached in this Moment. This was run then walk. The passers-by took the girl home. Now the police are looking for both after helping a couple, as well as to the unknown youth who is described as follows:
about 15 to 17 years of age, and of robust stature, short, blonde, and upstairs greasy hair, asked to be witnesses at the sides, shorter brown shoes, light brown denim jacket and blue Jeanswar with black-and-white Bicycle on the road
to put under the phone number 02452 920 0.
news of Wednesday, 20. February
Munich: police stops driving school – driving instructor on drugs
During a routine control, the police in Munich have pulled a driving instructor. The officers found the 40-Year-old initially glassy and red eyes, and assumed, therefore, that the man navigated his driving students under the influence of a drug through the streets of the Bavarian capital Navi. The locally made drug-test confirmed this suspicion. The police announced, has been canceled, then the hour’s drive. The rider was allowed to go home. The due blood test should confirm the results of the quick tests that threaten his driving instructor, a driving ban, two points in Flensburg and a fine of 500 euros. Maybe the man loses even his driving instructor permission.
Pulheim: Drunk driver falls asleep in front of traffic light, a
In North Rhine-Westphalia, Pulheim is asleep, a motorist in front of a traffic light. As the police reported on Wednesday, the 49-Year-old three per thousand in the blood. A witness stopped around 8.30 am on Tuesday morning behind the vehicle of the man. But when the light turned Green, drove off the car in front of him. When he got out, and ran to the car, he noted that the driver sat asleep behind the wheel. An ambulance took him to a hospital, where a blood sample. The police secured the license and launched a criminal case.
Rostock: Baby skeleton in the flower pot found
In Rostock (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) has found the police in the case of a 27-year-old woman is the skeleton of a newborn baby in a flower pot. When the Baby died and what was the exact cause of death is yet determined, said the spokesman for the Rostock office of the public Prosecutor, Harald Nowack, on Wednesday. So far there is no evidence of a homicide.
The investigators had received a note from a loved one that the woman kept a dead-born child in her apartment. The apartment in a multi family home was at 16. February searches. In an earth filled flower pot, officials found a small skeleton. Forensic scientists have found out that it is the bone of a newborn baby.
With the help of DNA analysis is to be determined details. Unclear age, gender, and cause of death of the child and how the bones came to be in the vessel. In search of the absent tenant had reported in the meantime, a lawyer at the police. You have made no data.
Iserlohn: 26-Year-old dies after punch
In Northrhine-Westphalia Iserlohn, a dispute at a red light for a 26 is assumed to be-Year-old deadly. As the po...https://www.ccdiscovery.com/couple-break-with-pace-214-on-federal-road-in-order-to-catch-a-holiday-flight