In the Studio with Ruby Barber, the Florist Behind Berlin-Based Mary Lennox - W Magazine
Monday, April 6, 2020The year has been a whirlwind for Barber; a steady stream of projects kept her bouncing between Hamburg, Paris and Milan until Germany’s recent lockdown order resulted in a sort of forced retreat. “It’s a relief in a way, and a chance to think about the sort of work I actually want to do,” she says of the imposed hiatus. Perhaps, while she’s confined to her apartment, Barber will make an exception to her no-flowers-in-the-home rule. Her window looks out onto a park, so she can keep an eye out for the first blooms.
In Berlin and Erfurt, two murals belong to the people - People's World
Sunday, January 26, 2020But in 2004 the painting began to fade, and again the committee had to look for ways and means to save it, actually to reproduce it exactly by two enthusiastic progressive artists from Hamburg and West Berlin, with some assistance by the artist himself when he was able to visit. Lichtenberg, luckily, remained the most left-wing borough in East Berlin so it was possible to gain some official support and 20 % of the nearly 200,000 euros required for the job. All the rest came from enthusiasts.
The job was at last completed when nocturnal fascists smeared it full of swastikas and slogans – which could be removed just in time for the re-dedication ceremonies.
Trouble hit again seven years later when the materials used turned out to be faulty and pieces of the mural crashed to the ground. Another long battle by the committee, devoted as ever, with moral support from the Nicaraguan ambassador, fought to have it recovered again, this time with better, lasting materials. The borough mayor, this time not from the LINKE (Left party) but a Social Democrat, was won over to save this bright spot in his borough; again part of the needed sum was granted, nearly half, the rest was gradually collected, and now reconstruction is again underway. On Moia’s 70th birthday in June 2006 the little square in front of the mural, with a small column explaining it and telling its history, was officially re-named Monimbó Platz. Since the mural is his largest and almost the only one to escape gentrification and demolition in Europe, the artist, who has been living for years with his daughter in Maryland, is extremely grateful. So are many other good people for whom the mural remains a lasting symbol of internationalism, anti-fascism, and hopes for a happy life in peace.
The other mural symbolizes basically the same ideals but in a very different way. Erfurt, 200 miles to the south, the capital of Thuringia, is an ancient city, first mentioned in 742 AD. It has a handsome “old town”, with 25 churches and a grand cathedral crowning a unique, wonderful stairway. But post-war GDR needed millions of modern homes and it needed them quickly. Using its newly-developed system of prefabricated panels, it built whole neighborhoods of comfortable, extremely low-priced apartments, well connected by cheap city transportation, provided with new schools, child care and sport facilities, clinics and cultural centers, soon improved with trees, shrubbery, playgrounds, but with one weakness – their sameness.
A number of sculptors and painters worked to overcome this; a leading light among them was Josep Renau (1907-1982).
Born in Valencia, where he studied at the art academy, Renau became an active leftist, joined the Communist Party and, when the fascist putsch began in 1936, he joined in making the famous posters supporting the Republic. Put in charge of the Spanish Pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937, he was able to encourage and then exhibit Pablo Picasso’s passionate, startling “Guernica” mural.
After the defeat of the republic Renau escaped to Mexico, where he worked with the great Mexican painter David Alfaro Siqueiros.
Invited to the GDR in 1958, he so...
QUINN, Michael P. Sr. - Buffalo News
Sunday, January 26, 2020Riley, Austin, Caitlin, and Shea; son of the late Francis and Rita (May) Quinn; dearest brother of Frank (Sue) Quinn, Jr. The family will be present to receive friends Monday from 3-8 pm at the (Hamburg Chapel) JOHN J. KACZOR FUNERAL HOME, INC., 5453 Southwestern Blvd. (corner of Rogers Rd., 646-5555), where prayers will be said Tuesday morning at 8:45, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at Our Mother of Good Counsel Church at 9:30. Mike was proud to be a longtime coach, supporter, and former board member of the Lake View Athletic Assoc. Flowers are gratefully declined. Please share condolences online at
Germany's 16 states: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania - DW (English)
Sunday, January 26, 2020From the town of Waren you can catch a boat or bus tour of the Müritz National Park. From here canoeists can even paddle all the way to Berlin or Hamburg.
10 reasons to love Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Waterways Müritz National Park is home to over 700 sorts of fern and flowering plants as well as some 800 types of butterflies and 43 dragonfly species. This nature reserve is famous for its white-tailed sea eagles and ospreys. Thousands of cranes also roost here in the spring and fall. The best way for visitors to discover this unspoiled nature is by canoe.
10 reasons to love Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Manor farms For generations Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has served as Germany's granary. Agriculture dominates this sparsely populated landscape. As a result there are hundreds of old manor farm houses, often resembling castles. In the past they used to belong to Mecklenburg nobility, these days they often serve as very comfortable holiday homes.
10 reasons to love Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Holidaying on horseback Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's horse breeding traditions date back to the 12th century. In Bad Doberan, mainland Europe's first racecourse was opened in 1823. Horse riding fans will find a choice of horse ranches to spend their holidays with their own or a rented horse. From October until Easter they are even allowed ride on the Baltic Sea beaches. img itemprop="image" src="" title="Beliebteste Sehenswürdigkeiten Deutschlands Schweriner Schloss " alt="Beliebteste Sehenswürdigkeiten Deutschlands Schweriner Schlo...